Direct Mail Campaigns in Racine

“Who does direct mail anymore? Haven’t you heard of email?”

Over the last 20 years, direct mail has been removed from many marketing strategies and dismissed as something that doesn’t work, is too expensive, and isn’t as easy as its close relative, email. But with more and more companies filling up email boxes with offers and spam, direct mail is a strategy that companies in all kinds of different industries are giving a second look.

Here at Econoprint, we pride ourselves on assisting with direct mail campaigns in Racine, Wisconsin, and even across the country. We are able to help you through the whole process – from design to securing lower rates on postage and putting your message in the mail for you!

It is still a service that clients come to us for time and time again, simply because IT WORKS!

But don’t take our word for it. Let the research do the talking. 

Why Does Direct Mail Work?

People Are More Likely To Read Mail

42.2% of direct mail recipients either read or scan the mail they get.

While companies struggle to get even 10% read rates on their email marketing campaigns, direct mail still continues to attract eyeballs. When it comes to brand awareness or communicating a specific message to potential customers, direct mail easily takes the cake! When you send out a mailing, you can be assured that your message is going to be seen and understood much more clearly than something sent through email!

People Like Mail!

59% of US respondents say they enjoy getting mail from brands about new products. 

When is the last time you said “Yay! Another junk email!” Our guess? Never.

It’s not a secret that people like getting mail. I think we can all agree that there is nothing like getting a letter or a card from someone we love. While you can’t expect that someone is going to enjoy your direct mail piece quite as much as a letter from grandma, you can be assured that they will definitely like it better than more spam in their email inbox!

Mail is Much More Likely To Be Opened

Up to 90% of direct mail gets opened, compared to only 20-30% of emails.

How many unopened emails do you have in your inbox right now? 100? 200? 1,000? 10,000?

In this day and age, our email boxes fill up so fast that it is easy for your message to get lost. Heck, most of us even have “junk emails” where we send all of the stuff we don’t want to see so it is out of sight and out of mind. This leaves open rates for emails in the basement with companies trying to find any way possible to get an open instead of an auto-delete. 

Direct mail doesn’t have this problem. Mailboxes are as empty as they have ever been and it is something that every one of them checks without fail. And when we do get a letter, we open them just in case it is truly something important. This guarantees that your message is, at the very least, going to be seen by the person receiving it.

Even Millennials Like Mail! 

When asked, “Which is more effective at getting you to take action?” 30% of millennials said direct mail, while 24% said email.

What?! Millenials like getting direct mail too? 

That’s right! Many people think that direct mail is “old-fashioned” and that it is completely ineffective for reaching a younger audience. That couldn’t be further from the truth! Again, it all comes down to how flooded all of our email inboxes are. Millennials haven’t really known a time without email and because of it, they are much more distrusting of things that hit their inboxes than other generations. Meanwhile, normal mail is a novelty. It’s not every day that they get a letter or see something come to their homes, so when they do, they are much more likely to see it, open it, and read its contents. 

So do we have you convinced to give direct mail another shot? Learn more about how we work with companies on their direct mail campaigns and how we can help you too! 

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